We wanted to know more about our anthology authors so we asked if we could pick their brains and scoop out the delicious brilliance.
Next up is Catlyn Ladd who brought us her terrifying tale, "It Calls To Me."
IP: Would you survive one of your stories in real life? Which one and how would you last?
C: Honestly, I like to think so. The scenarios I write are things I think deeply about how to navigate. However, I also write about really bad people doing really bad things. Were I to encounter a really bad person, I may or may not survive, realistically!
IP: What is the most unconventional piece of inspiration you’ve had?
C: Okay, buckle up! A few years ago I had to start taking iron supplements. A writer friend warned me that taking iron had the potential of causing “demon shits.” That turned into a conversation about what a shit demon might be, how it would be caused, etc. (Yes, the “shit weasels” from
Stephen King came up!) I told my writing group that someone needed to write the demon shits story…and it totally happened. I didn’t write it, but a very talented horror comedian I work with turned it into a short story. And there’s even clowns! It’s hilarious, gross, and brilliant.
IP: How do you write? What does your ‘routine’/‘set up’ look like? Do you have a playlist?
C: Honestly, put a computer in front of me and I write. It’s not always good but the words start flowing. I prefer writing in silence but, if there’s noise (especially talking or barking dogs), I’ll throw on some music. It’s usually something heavy (Gojira is a current fav), but sometimes it’s atmospheric instrumental. I’m also using “Colossal Shade” by Katatonia as inspiration for a cosmic horror piece.
IP: What are you currently working on? If you're not working on anything at the moment, what work are you most proud of? (Big yourself up!)
C: My WIP is a psychological thriller about a death cult. I’m also hard at work promoting my recently released debut horror novel, As Those Above Fall – available wherever books are sold!
IP: What are your favourite things about the horror/writing community at the moment?
C: I totally love being able to hang out with spooky people who don’t look at me like I’m crazy for saying something like, “What connective tissue holds an eye in place? How much force does it take to sever?”
IP: Who would you say is the biggest supporter of your writing?
C: My mom.
IP: Why do you write?
C: Because I can't help it!
IP: Name a writer that inspires you and why?
C: Hailey Piper is killing it right now – she has new stuff all the time and it’s all so good. She’s really pushing boundaries and redefining what horror can be.
IP: What would be the worst superpower to have?
C: The ability to levitate birds. Oh wait. Worst? Or most useless? Worst is maybe the ability to control viruses. Someone who controls viruses could kill lots of people in really nasty ways.
IP: And because we have to ask - favourite horror movie?
C: Oh, geez. Just one? The Empty Man.
IP: Where can we find you, and your work?
C: A ton of my writing, as well as information about my publications can be found at
www.catlynladd.com. And follow me on the socials:
G: EclecticAcademic
FB: @catlynladd
TikTok: @eclecticacademic
Newsletter: https://catlynladd.substack.com/